I was nervous, I won't lie. And sitting up on that little stool, my back wasn't happy but what a blast that was.
I flew to Melbourne, little ole' Mumma me and attended our fabulous event. I was blessed to be asked to be on the panel to share what it is that we do ! As one of the top recruiters in our team in the country, this was a real honor.
To share the stage with such legends and be allowed to "play in the sand box with the big kids" was huge for me. All of these amazing women in the picture here, have been my leaders and mentors and are now my peeps! How fabulous is that. ?!
It is actually thrilling. To see what our team has been able to accomplish, the individuals and families helped and how we have grown is just amazing to me. The personal growth for me has been just huge. This profession brings out the best and worst. The worst is brought to light. The areas of change and growth needed are highlighted. To be encouraged to be the very best version of myself.
For this I will be eternally grateful.
Do you feel like I used to?
Stuck in a rut?
Don't know what to do next?
Need to be a stay at home Mum but just cant afford to?
I could give you a hundred different reasons and scenarios as to why you really need to open up your heart and mind to having a look at what I am involved with. It's not what you think. It is way bigger!!!
I really look forward to connecting with you if you can relate to this.
Please message me !
I just love talking with friends.
love Lisa